Age Calculator

An online age calculator is a tool that can be used to calculate a person's age based on their date of birth.

Your date of birth

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What is an online age calculator?

An online age calculator is a tool that can be used to calculate a person's age based on their date of birth. It typically works by taking the current date and subtracting the person's date of birth to calculate the number of years, months, and days that have passed since their birth.

There are many online age calculators available on the internet, and they may have slightly different features or options. Some may allow you to input your birth time and calculate your age down to the exact second, while others may only calculate your age in years. Some calculators may also factor in leap years or other calendar adjustments to provide a more accurate calculation.

How to Use Age Calculator

To use an online age calculator, you typically need to input your date of birth and the current date, and the calculator will then generate your age based on that information. Some calculators may also allow you to select a specific date in the past or future to calculate your age at that time.

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